Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Earth Sciences

Committee Chair

Ryan Parish

Committee Member

Angela Antipova Antipova

Committee Member

Youngsang Kwon


Outcrops of Allendale chert, along the Savannah River, can be characterized with the use of high-resolution chert provenance data in order to study inter-quarry procurement strategies, social networks, and mobility. The thesis presents results of sourcing methods using reflectance spectroscopy. Chert sourcing is a viable technique for determining Paleo-Indian behavior in relation to the use and procurement of stone tools. Reflectance spectroscopy is a non-destructive method used in archaeology to determine the source of chert artifacts. A combination of two instruments is used in the study to quantify and separate source variability of Allendale chert utilized by Paleoindians. Reflectance spectroscopy characterizes chert through diagnostic atomic, molecular, and structural components. Multivariate statistics is then used to characterize individual deposits allowing unknown artifacts to be compared. Previous studies using qualitative visual techniques to identify prehistoric stone sources are inaccurate. The goal of the project is to determine if stone resources along the Savannah River can be differentiated using reflectance spectroscopy in order to determine inter-quarry procurement strategies, social networks, and mobility.


Data is provided by the student

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
