Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher & Adult Education

Committee Chair

Daniel Collier

Committee Member

Ashley Payne

Committee Member

Alison Happel-Parkins

Committee Member

Eric Platt


This research is necessitated as Black women continue to face unique and significant challenges in educational leadership. Supported by Black Feminist Theory, this study explores the successful leadership pathways of Black women in medical higher education while navigating barriers. The goal is to promote the inclusion of Black women in medical education and leadership positions by utilizing three core tenets of Black feminism – intersectionality, lived experiences/storytelling, and Black women as agents of knowledge (Black feminist epistemology). This groundbreaking study challenges the dominant narrative and discourse surrounding Black women's experiences in medical higher education. The personal stories shared by Black women leaders from four Southern states can aim to inspire and inform other Black women with executive-level leadership aspirations while serving as a valuable roadmap for administrative professionals at any stage of their career looking to achieve success.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
