Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts



Committee Chair

Albert Nguyen

Committee Member

Josef Dr. Hanson

Committee Member

William Dr. Plenk

Committee Member

Fancis Dr. Cathlina


This paper aims to comprehensively examine and investigate the musical background of Chôros No. 10, "Rasga Coração" (Tear the Heart), by the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, focusing on its original version for orchestra and choir to the transcription for wind ensemble and choir. The Chôros series is a collective of 14 individual compositions in which only 12 were performed, and the last two, No. 13 and No. 14, being lost before their performance. The Chôros No. 10, composed in 1926, is considered Villa-Lobos' masterpiece, bringing classical music a combination of Brazilian culture with early 20th-century European compositional techniques. This project deeply analyzes the composition with detailed attention to Villa-Lobos' artistry and innovative compositional techniques, grounded in Brazilian music, culture, and folklore present in his rhythms, melodies, and harmonies throughout his composition. The research provides a beneficial understanding of the piece that will serve as a guide during the transcription process, for future performers, and researchers in equal measurement. It achieves this by utilizing historical context, musical analysis, musical influences, and performance practice consideration.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
