Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instr and Curr Leadership


Instruction and Curriculum

Committee Chair

Shirley Gholston Key

Committee Member

Richard L. Petersen

Committee Member

Allen Seed

Committee Member

Louis Franceschini, III


The current educational reform intends to enhance our nation's competitiveness through specific focus upon curricular and instructional improvement of math and science education for all students in America. The implementation of nationwide common internationally-benchmarked standards is purposed to advance student academic performance through enriched curriculum and better prepared teachers. This research investigates the relationship between school demographics and implementation of the middle school concept to improved science achievement. A teacher questionnaire and state testing data will be utilized to determine: (1) which middle school concept characteristics, within each of the three domains of curriculum, instruction and advising, and school governance, have a positive relationship to improving science standardized test scores; (2) the effect upon science test scores that may be attributable to such school demographics as enrollment, percentage of economically disadvantaged students, percentage of minority students, school standing with AYP; and (3) which domain of the three (curriculum, instruction and advising, and school governance) has the greatest relationship toward improving science standardized test scores. Above the other items contained within the middle school concept, the overall conclusion is that the school governance domain, and parental/community involvement aspects in particular, has the most positive relation toward advancing science achievement within middle schools.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
