“Extract of a letter from a gentleman of Baltimore...”
Virginia Argus
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Richmond, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report from Louisville, Kentucky for the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Time of the earthquake was 2:30 am (local time) it was described as “most severe”. Duration was of one minute. Another one was felt at 7:30 am(local time) effect was to throw down several chimneys and gable ends of two brick houses fell in. Good detailed brief report.
BALTIMORE, January 2. Extract from a gentleman of Baltimore to his friend, dated Louisville, (Ken.) Dec. 16. This town was very much alarmed this morning by several shocks of Earthquake. The first & most severe was about half past 2; of which the vibration continued near a minute-again at half past 7. Several chimneys were thrown down and the gable ends of two brick houses partly fell in. The agitation of standing [unreadable] was remarkable and the trembling of the houses and furniture violent and alarming.
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a letter from a gentleman of Baltimore...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1022.