“To every friend of useful knowledge throughout the state of Virginia
Virginia Argus
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Page 3, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Richmond, Virginia
Serial Number
advertisement for a Natural History of Virginia by L. H. Girardin. Possible source of earthquake information
To every friend of useful knowledge throughout the State of Virginia. THE Subscriber has, for several years, devoted his leisure-hours to the collection of materials for a Natural History of Virginia. Labour of a pleasing nature is now more than ever necessary to his mind; and henceforth, he will prosecute, with more activity and regularity than his late sphere of duty allowed, his researches on so interesting a subject. With this object in view, he solicits auxiliary information from the enlightened and the liberal throughout the State-Communications (postage paid) respecting any part of the Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Meteorology, &c. of Virginia, directed to him, or for him to Mr. Samuel Pleasants, in Richmond, shall be received with respect and gratitude. Natural curiosities of any sort, specimens of rare and valuable productions, Young Plants, Seeds of Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs, deemed either ornamental or useful, would also, if transmitted free from all expences greatly conduce to the accomplishment of the subscriber's design. Gentlemen residing on, or near, the banks of James-river, and its principal branches, might conveniently send such objects, to be deposited with Mr. Pleasants. From the consciousness of promoting a plan, which may eventually benefit society, such gentlemen would derive a reward worthy of good hearts, and expanded minds. To expatiate on the advantages of natural knowledge, were an insult on the understanding of those to whom the present appeal is made. Nor is it necessary to offer specific queries-much less so to describe the method of taking up, and safely conveying Plants, &c.-Suffice it to observes that all civilized countries, and, in particular, some of our sister-states have warmly patronized similar pursuits; and that botanic collections now eminently splendid, and extensively useful, have, for the most part, originated in the humble, but zealous and persevering efforts of individuals.-By establishing with botanists of his acquaintance in the U. States, the West Indies, and Europe, the beneficial system of exchange. The subscriber hopes that, if obligingly aided, he will, in a few years, be able to exhibit, at least, the rudiments of a Botanic Garden. At the same time, he will prosecute, with other objects of immediate utility, the completion of his long intended Natural History of Virginia. L.H. GIRARDIN. Richmond, Feb. 17, 1812. tf.
Recommended Citation
"“To every friend of useful knowledge throughout the state of Virginia" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1033.