“More Earthquakes..”
Norfolk Ledger
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Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Norfolk, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report from Lancaster, Ohio for the February 7, 1812 earthquake. Time of earthquake was 3:30 am (local time). Effect was to cause residents to flee their houses, bells to ring, animals to panic. A second quake was felt at 8:20 pm (local time) that was described as considerable. A third one was felt at 10:35 pm (local time) that was more severe than the second one but less than the first one of 3:30. Good detailed short report, Lancaster is located 30 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio.
LANCASTER, (Ohio), Feb. 13. MORE EARTHQUAKES. On Friday morning last, 7th, [same day felt in Baltimore] at 30 minutes past 3 o'clock, the citizens of this place were roused from their slumbers by another violent undulation of the earth. The concussion was terrible, and caused the astonished and affrighted inhabitants to fly from their habitations to the streets for safety. The shocks hitherto felt, when compared to this were slight and feeble. The scene was awfully terrific. The pale face moon emitting her [unreadable] rays through a hazy atmosphere contributed to heighten rather than dispel the gloom. The ringing of bells, occasioned by the violent agitation of the earth-the howling of dogs-the bellowing of cattle, and the running to and fro of horses, which [unreadable text] the earth now apparently [unreadable] to its center, and [unreadable] with the velocity of lightning [unreadable] very point of the compass, served to produce variations indescribable, and seemed to threaten those [unreadable] calamities, which in some countries are [unreadable] on severe earthquakes. But providentially (and with gratitude to Heaven we write it) after five or six months dreadful agitation, the conflict of the elements ceased, and we were measurably relieved from apprehensions easier to be conceived than described. At 20 minutes past 8 in the evening, there was a considerable shake. It was followed at 35 minutes past 10 by another more severe than the second but far less terrible than the first.
Recommended Citation
"“More Earthquakes..”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1051.