“ A Card”
Petersburg Republican
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Petersburg, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake at Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia. Described as being a severs shock at Petersburg being felt about the same time that it had at Richmond. Richmond account is from Richmond Enquirer.
A CARD A little after eight this morning, I thought I perceived signs of an earthquake in every object about me.-Still, I mistrusted the testimony of sensations so often illusive. Upon mentioning this to others, I hear that not only at the above time, but in the course of last night, similar symptoms of a general concussion have manifested themselves.-If you think it worth while, enquire into this phenomenon, which, perhaps, you have yourself remarked. L.H.G. We understand that this phenomenon was witnessed by many people in the City-that about 4 o'clock in the morning there were three successive shocks, another about 6 and again about 8. Several persons were under a persuasion that thieves had broken into their house and in one of the most elevated houses of the city, the bells, both above and below, were set aringing. Enquirer A severe shock of an earthquake was also experienced in Petersburg about the same time. E.R.
Recommended Citation
"“ A Card”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 1082.