“A slight shock of an earthquake...’
Alexandria Herald
Page and Column
Page 1, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Alexandria, Virginia
Serial Number
A felt report for an earthquake on February 4, 1812 at Milledgeville Georgia. Time of the earthquake was “ a little before 5 o’clock’” pm ( local time). Unknown if this is a New Madrid earthquake or an independent one.
MILLEDGEVILLE (Geo.) Feb. 5. A slight shock of an Earthquake was felt in this place yesterday evening, a little before 5 o'clock. Mr. Bartholon, a celebrated French philosopher, is of opinion, that earthquakes are occasioned by a rupture of the equilibrium between the electric matter which reigns in the atmosphere and that which is proper to the mass of the earth; from which result trembling as well as thunder-that if the superabundance of electrical fluid in the earth finds an easy ascent, the equilibrium is quietly restored. But, if the obstacles are considerable, an earthquake is the consequence; the force and extent of which are proportioned to the magnitude of the defalcation of the equilibrium, to the depth it is from the surface, and to the obstacles it has to vanquish.
Recommended Citation
"“A slight shock of an earthquake...’" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1121.