Western Intelligencer
Page and Column
Page 3. Column 2
Newspaper Location
Worthington, Ohio
Serial Number
Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake from Worthington, Ohio. Notes locations where it was felt in Ohio including Cincinnati, Chillicothe. Also Frankfort, Kentucky. Notes that is was slightly felt at Worthington and stronger the further south you went. They were described as slight and not felt by everyone. Good regional description.
EARTHQUAKE. This singular and unusual phoenominon has been lately experienced in this western country. On the 16th ult. several severe shocks were felt in the southern part of this state, and in Kentucky. The first, which was also the most severe, was between two and three o'clock in the morning. Accounts from various places, differ in some degree, respecting its duration. In Frankfort, Kentucky, it is said, to have continued from two to five minutes, and to have been preceded by a rumbling sound, and some damage was done to the buildings in that place, but none very material. In Cincinnati and its vicinity, as many as six or seven different shocks were noticed during the morning, and the tops of several chimnies were shaken off. At Chillicothe it was noticed, but the concussions were not so severe as further south. It was felt in this place by some, but the shocks were so light, as not to be generally noticed. The sound and motion seemed to proceed from the south west. It is probable that some further information will be received, and it would be gratifying to us, to learn the cause of this singular convulsion of nature.
Recommended Citation
"“”Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1133.