“Fires, Storms...”
The Clarion
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 5
Newspaper Location
Nashville, Tennessee
Serial Number
Article speculates that the natural disasters of earthquake and comet are portents of future trouble. Possibly from the Louisiana Gazette.
Fires, Storms, tornadoes, freshets, [unreadable text] and [unreadable], have been more active agents of desolation and [unreadable text] to the current year, [unreadable] in any within the recollection of the oldest member of society. Some our augurers think those events are only the forerunners of greater calamities, that the wandering meteor called the Comet has been [unreadable] acknowledged by all nations as the harbinger of evil. Much as the [unreadable] and free-thinker may laugh at the signs and omens looked at and respected by [unreadable], yet the evidence [unreadable text] of the doctrine. Unfortunately for us, there is a science to [unreadable] the world, which, if it could [unreadable] be discovered would let all [unreadable] --Astrology was held in as [unreadable] (and perhaps more) respect [unreadable text] the ancients than philosophy has been among the moderns. [unreadable text] astrology again be revived, it might have a happy effect: the [unreadable] philosopher would have [unreadable text] the found planetary calculations of the astrologer. The people of the United States might rejoice at the change. They have been pursuing Will with a wisp or as some will have it, 'Jack in a lantern, if astrology was renewed it would at least divert their attention for a time. Louis. Gov.
Recommended Citation
"“Fires, Storms...”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 114.