“Legislature of Ohio”
Western Intelligencer
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Worthington, Ohio
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Legislative session notes of the Ohio legislature. Mentions that on December 16, 1811 a petition concerning the religious denomination of Shakers. Unknown if a odd coincidence or deliberate.
Legislature of Ohio. House of Representatives, Dec. 11, 1811. [unreadable]McCullough presented a memorial from the military officers of General Cass' brigade, praying for certain reasons therein stated, and to afford the necessary means of defence that Baron Steuben's regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the U. States, and the laws relative thereto, be printed and distributed among the different brigades of the militia, which was referred to a committee of messrs. Sharp, Jackson and J. Jones, to report by bill or otherwise. A bill entitled "An act to extend the time for returns of the enumeration of the white male inhabitants above the age of 21 years," has been delivered to the joint committee of enrollment to be deposited in the office of secretary of state. December 12. A message from the senate announces a bill having been reported to that body, giving further time to the several road commissioners to expend the appropriation of the 3 per cent fund. A message was received from the senate, informing, that a bill has been reported to the senate, authorizing Levi Whipple, Increase Mathews, Ebenezer Buckingham, Benjamin Tupper and their associates, to build a bridge across the Muskingum river. December 15. A petition was presented at the clerk's table from the commissioners of the Scioto Bank Lottery, praying for certain reasons therein stated, that a law may be passed extending the time for the drawing of the second class in said lottery, which was received, read and referred to a select committee, to report thereon by bill or otherwise. On motion, Ordered,That a committee of five members be appointed to take into consideration that part of the unfinished business which relates to a bill for erecting a state prison, to report by bill or otherwise, and a committee was appointed of Messrs. T. Morris, Jackson, Huntington, Monet and Pollock. A bill entitled "An act authorizing and requiring the treasurer of the state to pay certain monies out of the three per cent. land," has become a law. December 16. Mr. Harman from the committee appointed for that purpose, this day, reported a bill to amend the act providing for the election and resignation of justices of the peace. Mr. Newport presented at the clerk's table, a petition from a number of inhabitants of Warren county praying for reasons therein stated that a law may be passed, exempting the people called SHAKERS from bearing arms, and doing military duty, and making provisions for such citizens to serve the public in opening and repairing highways, as shall answer in lieu of their proportion of military exercise.-Also, a remonstrance in behalf of the said society, from Benj. S. Young, R'd M'Nomar, Mathew Fouston and Calvin Morrell, to the law entitled "An act providing for the relief and support of woman who may be abandoned by their husbands and for other purposes," praying that the same may be appealed, which are referred to a committee of messrs. Newport, Shields, Edwards, T. G. Jones and Evans, to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. D. Morris presented at the clerk's table sundry petitions from a number of inhabitants of Warren and adjacent counties relative to the conduct of the society called SHAKERS which was received and laid upon the table. December 18. A message was received from the senate by mr. Bureau informing that the senate have appointed a committee of five members to whom has been referred so much of the unfinished business as related to a bill entitled "An act fixing the permanent seat of Government," with instructions to receive proposals on that subject, and report the same to the senate. A message was received from the senate by Mr. M'Beth informing that the senate have passed a resolution instructing our representation in congress to endeavor to obtain the passage of a law, granting the right of pre-emption to settlers, whose lands may be forfeited, desiring concurrence. The house proceeded to consider the resolution instructing our representation in congress to procure a law designating the northern and western boundary lines of this state, and the same being read was agreed to. And sent to the senate for concurrence. The house proceeded to consider a resolution, That the expense of a canal from Hudson river to lake Ontario and lake Erie ought to be provided by congress, and the same being read was agreed to, and sent to the senate for concurrence. The house resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into consideration the articles of impeachment against his honor John Thompson, esq. and after making several amendments thereto, the said articles were and animously agreed to. Whereupon, the said articles of impeachment were signed by the speaker and attested by the clerk. On motion, Ordered, That five managers be appointed by ballot to prosecute in behalf of the house of representatives, their impeachment against John Thompson, esq. in their name, and in the name of all the people of the state of Ohio. Whereupon, messrs. T. Morris, Huntington, Jackson, Monett and J. Jones were city elected, and were instructed to proceed to the bar of the senate, with the articles of impeachment moresaid, and there demand that the said J. Thompson be put to answer the said articles of impeachment. December 21. On motion, Ordered, That a committee of three be appointed to bring in a bill regulating the times of holding judicial courts, and messrs. Huntington and Gregory was appointed said committee. December 23. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Norton their clerks informing, that the senate have taken order for the appearance of John Thompson esq. president of the court of common please for the second circuit, on the 3d Monday in January next, to answer the articles of impeachment exhibited, against him by this house, in their name, and in the name of all the people of the state of Ohio. December 24. Mr. M'Knight presented at the clerk's table a memorial of James Snowden and others, inhabitants of this state, setting forth the official conduct of Francis Dunlavy, president of the first circuit of the courts of common pleas of the state of Ohio, and Samuel Kyle, one of the associate judges of Green county, which was received, read and referred to messrs. Pollock, Sharp and M'Cune to report thereon to this house. December 26. On motion of Mr. M'Knight, the house come to the following resolution: Resolved, by the house of representatives of the state of Ohio, That the committee appointed to take into consideration the petition of Jas. Snowden and others of Green county relative to the official conduct of Francis Dunlavy esq. have liberty to call for such persons and papers as they may deem necessary to give information on the subject matter contained in said petition. Mr. T. G. Jones, from the committee to whom was recommitted the bill to amend the act entitled an act regulating the practice of physic and surgery, reported a bill to incorporate a Medical Society, which was read the first time. Dec. 27.-A bill was reported incorporating the stockholders of Muskingum Bank, and read the first time. December 28. A bill to amend the act regulating judgments & executions being under consideration. On motion of mr. T. Morris to agreed to the first section of said bill as amended, as follows, Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That each person who has a family, shall be allowed to hold 12 sheep, also, the wool, and all yarn and cloth manufactured by such family, exempt from all attachments, distresses, executions or sale for debt and damages; and the question thereupon being taken, it was determined in the affirmative.-Yeas 38-Nays 13. On motion of mr. Jackson, further to amend said bill, by adding the following to the first section by may of proviso-'Provided, That nothing in this section contained shall extend to any debt contracted before the passage of this act; decided in the affirmative. Yeas 38-Nays 8. The said bill being agreed to as amended, was ordered to be engrossed & read the third time on Monday next.
Recommended Citation
"“Legislature of Ohio”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1141.