“”Remarkable Events”
Ohio Centinel
Page and Column
Page 1, column 4, Page 2, column 1, 2, 3.
Newspaper Location
Dayton, Ohio
Serial Number
Long article with a chronology of disasters and astronomical events from antiquity to 1811. Notes that the earthquake and comet of 1811 were new phenomena to western settlers.
FROM LIBERTY Hall REMARKABLE EVENTS. It is observed that many persons who probably have read but little and have had still less experience of the extraordinary phenomena of nature, are disposed to think a good deal incorrectly respecting those uncommon events which distinguished the years 1811 viz. the Comet and the Earthquakes. As these have not been experienced before since the settlements of the western country, many are led to consider them, if not as new events, yet as something much more unfrequent and eminous than an acquaintance with history will justify. It is not wished to detract from the interest and solemnity of those events, but a knowledge of the truth can never be hurtful. The repetition indeed of these astonishing phenomens ought to inspire us with more profound awe, while at the same time it is calculated to digest as of the superstitious distinction of ignorance. The following list is collected from one of the most copious and best approved CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, which have appeared. The Table embraces all remarkable events, such as wars &c, &c. but the limits of a newspaper can admit but a few (and those greatly abbreviated) which will be confined to what we may call potential phenomena, principally Earthquakes and Comets, to which may be added instances of pestilence. The list will chiefly regard former times that in the times since authentic history commenced (the earlier part of which, was extremely imperfect) and will not descend within our own memory. B. C. or years before Christ. 2352 The world is destroyed by a deluge which continued 227 days. 1961 The cities of Sodom, and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire from heaven. 1303 The deluge of Deucalion. 720 The first record of an eclipse of the moon. [unreadable] A plague over the known world. [unreadable] A great earthquake in Pelapennesus Greece. 515 Rhodes almost destroyed by an inundation. 224 An Earthquake at Rhodes, which overturned Colossus. 146 A [unreadable] Comet appeared in Greece. A.D. or years after Christ. [unreadable] The [unreadable] cities in Asia are destroyed by an earthquake. 33 An unusual darkness land earthquake at the crucifixion 29 On junction of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. 43 A great earthquake in Asia. [unreadable] Many prodigies are seen at Jersualem. 79 The cities of Pompeli and [unreadable] destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius. 105 A great earthquake in Asia and Greece. 114 A great Earthquake in China. 115 A violent earthquake at Antioch. 120 [unreadable] and other cities are swallowed up by an earthquake. 152 A great mundation of the Tiber at Rome and an earthquake in Rhodes. [unreadable] A [unreadable] over the known world. [unreadable] An earthquake in Wales. 218 Two comets appear at Rome-the comet of the most remarkable is from east to west. 232 A dreadful pestilence breaks out in Ethiopia, and spreads over the world. [unreadable] A great plaque throughout the Roman Empire. 262 Earthquakes in Europe, Asia and Africa, and three days of darkness. 289 A great comet, visible in Mesopotamia for 29 days. [unreadable] [unreadable] Over the east. [unreadable] [unreadable] by an earthquake. [unreadable] [unreadable] cities in Asia and [unreadable] are overturned by an earthquake. [unreadable] A [unreadable] column is seen in the [unreadable] for [unreadable] days. 419 Many cities in Palestine are destroyed by an earthquake. [unreadable] A great earthquake at Constantinople which lasted 40 days. 517 Two years drought and famine in Palestine. 519 A bearded Comet appears. 543 An earthquake all over the world. 550 An earthquake in Palestine and [unreadable]. 551 An earthquake in Greece, attended with a great commotion of [ureadable]. 553 A great earthquake at Constantinople. 557 Another violent earthquake at Constantinople, Rome &c. [unreadable] A terrible plague all over Europe, Asia, and Africa, which continues near [unreadable] years. [unreadable] [unreadable] destroyed by an earthquake [unreadable] [unreadable] are overflowed by the [unreadable]. [unreadable] A dreadful pestilence in Africa. [unreadable] [unreadable] pestilence in Europe and Asia. 797 [unreadable] days of unusual darkness. 801 A great earthquake in France, Germany and Italy. 807 A larger spot is seen on the sun for eight days. [unreadable] An earthquake over the greatest part of the unknown world. 873 France is distressed by locusts and pestilence. 875 A bearded comet appears in Europe. 905 A very remarkable comet appear in [unreadable] [unreadable] A great eruption of mount Vesuvius. [unreadable] A [unreadable] in Europe for three years. [unreadable] A great eruption of vesuvius. [unreadable] [unreadable] of the color of blood for three [unreadable] France. [unreadable] [unreadable] was destroyed by an earthquake. 1076 An earthquake in England. [unreadable] A conjunction of all the planets at sunrise Sept. 16th. [unreadable] Denmark and Norway are laid waste by a decadent tempest. 1222 A great earthquake in Germany. 1223 A comet of extraordinary magnitude appears in Denmark. 1230 Denmark was distressed by a pestilence. [unreadable] A clear red star like Mars appears in Capricorn. [unreadable] Great pestilence in Denmark. 1299 An earthquake in Germany. 1315 Germany is afflicted with famine and pestilence 1321 An earthquake in England. [unreadable] A great eruption of Mount AEtna [unreadable text] 1377 [unreadable] 1431 A great earthquake at Lisbon. 1432 Great inudation in Germany. 1416 The sea breaks into Holland and drowns 100,000 people. 1500 A great plague in England. 1531 A great earthquake at Lisbon. 1572 A new star appears in Cassiopia, in Nov. and disappears in March. 1593 A great plague in London. 1596 Violent earthquake in London. 1611 An earthquake at Constantinople, and 200,000 persons die there of the plague. 1631 Transit of Mercury over the sun's disk; Great eruption of Visuvius. 1639 Transit of Venus over the sun's disk. 1648 A new star appears in the tail of the Whale. 1665 A plague in London carries off 68,000 persons. 1678 A strange darkness at noon day, Jan. 12. 1680 A great comet appears so near our earth as to alarm the inhabitants-visible from Nov. 3d to March 9th. 1688 [unreadable] was again destroyed by an earthquake. 1693 Earthquakes in England and Jamaica. 1720 A great earthquake in China. 1724 An earthquake in Denmark. 1736 Transit of Mercury over the sun's disk. 1737 A dreadful hurricane on the Ganges, Oct. 10th. 1739 All intense frost in England. 1743 A dreadful plague in Silicily. 1745 Lima was destroyed by an earthquake. 1750 An earthquake in England. [unreadable] A dreadful eruption of mount Etna. A great earthquake at Constantinople, Cairo, &c. [unreadable] Quitto in Peru, is destroyed by an earthquake april 27th. 1760 Transit of Venus over the sun's disk. Earthquake in Syria, Oct. 13th. [unreadable] Famine and pestilence in Italy. An earthquake at Lisbon. 1766 A spot twice as large as our earth passed the sun's disk. A great earthquake at Constantinople. 1767 Martinido is almost destroyed by an earthquake. 1770 An earthquake at St. Domingo. [unreadable] An extraordinary dark city. [unreadable] A most extraordinary eruption of Vesuvius. 1780 Jan 14--cold At Glasgow, Scotland [unreadable] degrees below 0. A dreadful hurricane in the Leeward Islands, Oct. 9-and in extraordinary [unreadable] in England. 1783 Most violent earthquakes in Italy and Sicily. Those of the 5th and 7th of February, and 28th of March were the most violent, and destroyed every building throughout [unreadable], to leaving one stone upon another. 40,000 persons perished. The sun was obscured by a kind of fog during the whole summer. A volcanic eruption in Iceland, supposing all things of the kind recorded in history; the burning lava spouted two miles high, and and continue thus for two months. A large meteor appeared to Europe, whose tract was observed more than 1000 miles.
Recommended Citation
"“”Remarkable Events”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1200.