“The Earthquake Again”
Ohio Centinel
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Dayton, Ohio
Serial Number
Long felt report for the February 7, 1812 earthquake from Dayton, Ohio. time of the earthquake was 3:45 am(local time). Earthquake was noted to be two shocks with a brief interval between them both preceded by a rumbling noise. The quake was noted to have a undulatory motion and a back and forth motion. Direction of the quake was from the Southwest. More earthquakes were noted 7:45 pm(local time) and at 10;30 pm(local time) both were characterized as being severe. Live stock was noted be aware of the earthquakes with fowls leaving their roosts. People left their homes in response to the quakes. Detailed felt report.
Recommended Citation
"“The Earthquake Again”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 1204.