“The Earthquake”
Boston Independent Chronicle
Page and Column
Page 1, Col. 5
Newspaper Location
Boston, Massachusetts
Serial Number
Condensed version of a report in the National Intelligencer about the effects of the January 23, 1812 earthquake at Washington, D. C. and Charleston South Carolina
THE EARTHQUAKE! We continue to receive accounts of this phenomenon of nature from all quarters. The following letter from a subscriber informs us of its being felt on the Ohio; and the subjoined article, from a Charleston paper, apprizes us of its effects having extended as far south as that place. It will be observed that in Charleston and this place (Washington) the shocks were simultaneously felt, or, at most, within five or ten minutes of the same moment; whilst, on the Ohio; the shock was felt an hour earlier than at either this city or Charleston. If anything is to be inferred from this circumstance, it is, that the progress of the subterranean impulse, which caused the shock, was from west to east. Were we to give the reins to our imagination, we might conjecture, in the fast and almost unexplored region between the Mississippi and Pacific, the existence of the cause of this tremendous commotion, whose vibrations have affected so vast a continent to its remotest limits. N. Pat.
Recommended Citation
"“The Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 162.