“Yesterday morning...”
Boston Independent Chronicle
Page and Column
Page 1. Column 5
Newspaper Location
Boston, Massachusetts
Serial Number
Felt report for the January 23, 1812 earthquake at Charleston, South Carolina. Effects described were cracked walls and pavement. Was felt at 9:15 am local time.
Charleston, Jan. 24. Yesterday morning, at fifteen minutes after nine o'clock, another shock was felt in this city. The vibratory motion was more severe than any we experienced last month, and continued for one minute. The pavements in several of the streets are cracked, by the loosening of the cement; and a three story brick house in Kingstreet, belonging to Mr. Brownlee, has received very considerable injury. The walls are cracked from the top to the bottom and the wooden work and plastering, in the inside, are split and broken. Many persons in different parts of the city was feasible of a shock at eight o'clock in the morning. Several families left their beds.- Both these concussions were unaccompanied with any noise.
Recommended Citation
"“Yesterday morning...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 163.