“Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Nachitoches, Dated December 19, 1811.”
Philadelphia Aurora and General Advertiser
Newspaper Location
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Serial Number
Report from Nachitoches, Louisiana of the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Notes that it vibrated the water in the river four feet above the common level.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Natchitoches, dated December 19th, 1811. "On the 16th instant, about 2 o'clock A. M. we experienced a considerable shock of the earth, which excited great alarm, and was the cause of many ludicrous circumstances. We had two other shocks less severe, one about sunrise the same morning, and the other about noon the next day; the first shock agitated exceedingly, it vibrated from one side to the other near four feet in height, on each bank above its common level. We have not heard its extent, but suspect it was very partial, as it was not felt thirty miles above or below this post."
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Nachitoches, Dated December 19, 1811.”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 178.