“the last Clarion...”
Louisville American Statesman
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Louisville, Kentucky
Serial Number
Account possibly from the Nashville Clarion. Account from Indians on the headwaters of the Arkansas and the Platte rivers. They reported that they saw a mountain on fire and though that it was the cause of the earthquakes.
The last Clarion says, that "several Indians who were hunting near the head of the Arkansas and Plate rivers, about the time of the Earthquake were very much alarmed at the appearance of a mountain on fire-that they immediately hurried off, but are convinced from what they saw that the shocks we feel proceeds from those fires, and that the sinking on the Mississippi is not from subterranean fire, but is to be attributed to the earth there being formed by the aluvion of the Mississipi river on quick sands. The Mississippi is the nearest place that has opened as we know of.
Recommended Citation
"“the last Clarion...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 199.