“A letter to the editor from a friend at Dover, Stewart county...”
Lexington Kentucky Gazette
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Lexington, Kentucky
Serial Number
Felt report from Dover, Tennessee fro the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Reports that the effect there was the same as at Nashville. Also noted was a subsidence of 20 to 30 feet square on Wells Creek. Article from the Nashville Clarion
A letter to the editor from a friend at Dover, Stewart county, states the same particulars of the earthquake as felt here, and concludes by observing, "that a small piece of ground on Well's creek in this county, has sunk so as to form a kind of sink hole-the place is about 20 or 30 feet square, but by the time the report reaches you it will be magnified to as any acres at least.
Recommended Citation
"“A letter to the editor from a friend at Dover, Stewart county...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 221.