“Indian Murders &c”
The Palladium
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Frankfort, Kentucky
Serial Number
Long article from the St. Louis Louisiana Gazette describing Indian unrest in the west and notes that “ We are informed from a respectable source that the old road to the post of Arkansas, by way of the Spring River is entirely destroyed by the last violent shocks of earthquake, chasms of great depth and considerable length, cross the country in various directions, some swamps have become dry, other deep lakes, and in some places hills have disappeared.” Also describes Indian religious ceremonies in the wake of the earthquakes.
ST. LOUIS, March 21. INDIAN MURDERS, &c. Since Christmas last, the following murders have been committed by the Indians in this country; two persons near the mines on the Mississippi.; none in The district of St. Charles, within the settlements, supposed to be killed by the Kickapoos; one man at Fort Madison, on the 3d inst. by the Winabagoes. There were several men who left Fort Madison for this part of the territory, about the 17th inst. who are supposed to have fallen into the hands of the enemy, as they have not been heard of. Main Poc, the Pottowatimie, is preparing a war party to proceed against the Osages. This fellow has been until lately at Fort Malden, and is thought at the Peorias, that he intends to strike at the whites. We received a few days ago, some account of Governor Harrison's treating with some of the chiefs, who were in the late action on the Wabash; this news may be correct, but we know from the most authentic channels, that those are only squads of bands, who are either amusing Governor Harrison, to avert a merited retaliation, or wish to secure their individual families from an expected attack this spring. The officers of the garrisons of Chicago and Fort Madison, U. S. agents on the Mississippi, & Illinois traders, travelers and spies, all concur in the same story, that the Indians have no idea of making peace with us, that red warmpum is passing through all the upper villages, from the Sioux of St. Peters, to the head of the Wabash, that at every council fire, the Americans are devoted and prescribed; and in short, that a general combination is ripening fast. We should be sorry that Gov. Harrison should be the dupe of a few rascals, or that we should call our frontier people to a fatal security, by giving them a soporifik from Vincennes; we know that we have a better opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of Indian movements than can possible be obtained on the Wabash, and therefore will sound the alarm when danger is apprehended. It is a well known fact that most, if not all the Indians east of the Mississipi have divided into small bands, some are for peace, while a band of the same nation are determined on war with the United States; thus, one party of each of the Pottowatimies, Kickapoos, Puants, &c. are treating with Gov. Harrison, the others are butchering our frontier people, yet the pacific party will not scruple to engage for the whole nation whom they know it is impossible to restrain as long as there is a British subject suffered to trade within the lines of our territories, or receive presents at Malden, Mr. Foster's slang to the contrary notwithstanding. In consequence of various and groundless rumors of the disaffection of the Louisiana Delawares and Shawonee's, their chiefs lately addressed a letter to General Clark, expressive of the most acute mortification, in that their fidelity could be doubled, and demanded that the subject should be brought before court, in order to confront and punish their calumniators. We are sorry that the idle, the vicious, and the talkative, could not find some other topic to indulge their genius. The Cherokees who were exploring that tract of country, between the Arkansas and White river, have returned home, terrified by the repeated and violent shocks of earthquake. We understand they intended to exchange with the United States, their country on the E. of the Mississippi for a like quantity on the Arkansas. The tremendous effects of earthquake in this territory has revived an almost obsolete Indian rite, in the mode of imploring the Deity, and to avert the divine displeasure-Temples are erecting in the Indian villages, to make offerings to the GREAT SPIRIT. The Shawonees of the Maramec, (40 miles from this place) have finished their religious devotions. The following authentic account of it may be interesting to our readers. This alarming phenomenon of nature, struck with such consternation and dismay, those tribes of Indians, that live within and contiguous to that tract of country on the Mississippi, where the severity of the earthquake appears to have been the greatest, that they were induced to convene together in order to consult upon the necessity of having recourse to some method of relief, from so alarming an incident; when it was resolved to fall upon the following expedient to excite the pit of the GREAT SPIRIT. After a general hunt had taken place, to kill deep enough for the undertaking, a small hut was built to represent a temple or place of offering a sacrifice. The ceremony was introduced by a general cleansing of the body and face. The novelty of the occasion rendering it unusually awful and interesting. After neatly skinning their deer, they suspended them by the forefeet, so that the hearts might be directed to the heavens, before the temple, as an offering to the Great Spirit. In this attitude they remained for three days; which interval was devoted to such pennance, as consists in absolute fasting: at night lying on the back upon fresh deer skins; turning their thoughts exclusively upon the happy prospect of immediate protection; that they may conceive dreams to that effect, the only vehicle of intercourse between them & the GREAT SPIRIT; the old and young men observing a most rigorous abstinence from a co-habitation with the women, under the solemn persuations that, for failure thereof, instant death & condemnation awaited; and lastly, gravely and with much apparent piety, imploring the attention of the GREAT SPIRIT to their helpers and distressed condition; acknowledging their absolute dependence on him; entreating his regard for their wives and children; declaring the fatal consequences that must inevitably ensue by withholding his notice; namely the loss of their wives and children, and their total disability to master their games, arising from their constant dread of his anger; and concluded in assetting their full assurance that their prayers are heard, their object is accomplished by a cessation of terrors and game becoming again plenty and easily overcome. On the lapse of the three days, thus designated believing themselves forgiven, for every nowarrantable act of which they were sensible, that the offering was accepted; they finally begin with a mutual relation of their respective dreams; the scene is changed to joy and congratulation, by proceeding ravenously to devour the sacrificed deer to allay their fast. We are informed from a respectable source that the old road to the post of Arkansas, by Spring river, is entirely destroyed by the last violent shocks of earthquake, chasms of great depth and considerable length, cross the country in various directions, some swamps have become dry, others deep lakes, and in some places hills have disappeared. By letters from Fort Madison of the 9th inst. we learn that the Winabagoes constantly hover about the garrison, and fire on those who venture beyond the limits of the public ground. On the 3d a soldier( corporal Leonard) who was permitted to go out to hunt, was cut to pieces, about 2 miles from the fort. They have endeavored to shoot the sentry but was discovered before they could obtain a proper distance. Friendly Indians, say, that the Winabagoes, Pottowatamies and Kickapoo's intend to storm the fort as soon as the ice breaks up.
Recommended Citation
"“Indian Murders &c”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 245.