“From the Nashville Examiner, Jan 24”
James Fletcher
Kentucky Gazette
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 4.
Newspaper Location
Lexington, Kentucky
Serial Number
Felt report from Little Prairie, Missouri of the December 16, 1811 earthquake by James Fletcher. Condensed account from a longer narrative. Description of massive damage in the area with areas sinking and being raised.
From the Nashville Examiner, Jan. 24. By Mr. Fletcher from the little Prairie, a settlement west of the Mississippi, and about 180 miles west of this, we learn that the earthquake was very severely felt there-the agitation produced, occasioned the earth to open in many places, some 8 or 10 feet wide, others not so much; a short time after the principal shock ceased, the country was almost inundated, from many places have sunk considerably; a small lake below the river St. Francois has been entirely drained and its bed appears to be higher than the surrounding country. Considerable damage has been done on the Mississippi by falling in of the banks. We felt another shock on yesterday morning, between 8 & 9 o'clock, nearly if not quite as severe as the one on the 16 ult. We have just heard that during the shock yesterday, within 2 miles of this place, the earth opened and engulphed a cow.
Recommended Citation
"“From the Nashville Examiner, Jan 24”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 29.