“A considerable shock of an Earthquake...”
Charleston Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report of the December 16, 1811 earthquake at Hackensack, New Jersey. “A considerable shock of an Earthquake was felt on the morning of the 18th at Hackensack (New Jersey) In that place a few minutes after 8 o’clock and continued about 30 seconds. Those who were standing, experienced sensations of dizziness and vertigo. Several ladies who were sitting on a poise, and were afraid of falling from their seats. In an upper chamber something suspended from the wall was observed to flap sensibly against it.”
A considerable shock of an Earthquake was felt on the morning of the 18 th ult at Hackensack (New Jersey) It took place a few minutes after 8 o'clock, and continued about 30 seconds. Those who were[unreadable], experienced sensations of dizziness and vertigo. Several ladies who were sitting, complained that they [unreadable] on a [unreadable]and were afraid of falling from their seats. In an upper channel something suspended from the wall was observed to slap sensibly against it.
Recommended Citation
"“A considerable shock of an Earthquake...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 303.