“A report prevailed in town yesterday...”
Charleston Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Rumor from Natchez, Mississippi that the town had been destroyed by the December 16, 1811 earthquake
A report prevailed in town yesterday, that a part of the town of Natchez had been sunk by an Earthquake and that four thousand persons perished.-We trust that this report will prove to be unfounded; but if such a deplorable circumstance has taken place, it could not have been on the morning of the 16th December, as a letter dated on that day at Natchez, and published some time since at the city of Washington says,--"A considerable shock of an Earthquake was felt here last night," without adding any thing further; which would most undoubtedly have been done, had any fatality attended it.
Recommended Citation
"“A report prevailed in town yesterday...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 305.