James Fletcher
Carthage Gazette
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Page 2, Column 1
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Carthage, Tennessee
Serial Number
James Fletcher’s account of the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Also annotate with damage report from the St. Francis river.
EARTHQUAKE. Nashville, Jan. 21, 1812. From Mr. James Fletcher, (in whose statement we place the utmost reliance.) we have received the following narrative: "At the Little Prairie* on the 16th December last, about 2 o'clock A.M. we felt a severe concussion of the earth, which we supposed to be occasioned by a distant Earthquake, and did not apprehend much danger. Between that time and day we felt several other slighter shocks: about sun rise another severe one came on, attended with a perpendicular bouncing that caused the earth to open in many places-some eight and ten feet wide, numbers of less width, and of considerable length-some parts have sunk much lower than others; where one of those openings are, one side remains as high as before the shock, and the other is sunk; some more some less; but the deepest I saw was twelve feet. The earth was, in the course of 15 minutes after the shock in the morning nearly inundated with water. The pressing of the earth, if the expression be allowable, caused the water to spout out of the pores of the earth, to the height of eight or ten feet! We supposed the whole country sinking! and knew not what to do for the best. The agitation of the earth was so great that it was with difficulty any could stand on their feet, some could not-The air was very strongly impregnated a sulpherous smell. As if by instinct we flew as soon as we could from the river, dreading most danger there; but alter rambling about two or three hours, about two hundred gathered at Capt. Francis Lescuer's, where we camped, until we heard that the upper country was not damaged, when I left the camp, (after staying there twelve days) to look for some other place and was three days getting about thirty miles, from being obliged to travel round these chasms. "Previous to my leaving the country I heard that many parts of the Mississippi river had caved in; in some places several acres at the same instant. But the most extraordinary effect produced that I saw was a small Lake below the river St. Francis. The bottom of which is blown up higher than any of the adjoining country, and instead of water it is filled with a beautiful white sand. The same effect is produced on many other Lakes, as I am informed by those who saw them; and it is supposed they are generally filled up. A little river called Pemiscoe, that empties into St. Francis, and runs parallel with the Mississippi, at the distance of about twelve miles from it, is filled also with sand. On the sand that was thrown out of the Lakes and Rivers lie numerous quantities of fish of all kinds common to the country. The damage to stock, &c. was unknown. I heard of only two dwelling houses, a granary and smoke house, being sunk. One of the dwelling houses was sunk 12 feet below the surface of the earth; the other the top was about even with the surface. The granary and smoke house were entirely out of sight; we supposed sunk and the earth closed over them. The buildings through the country are much damaged. We heard of no lives being lost, except seven Indians who were shaken into the Mississippi. This we learned from one who escaped. "Previous to the shocks coming on, we heard a rumbling noise like that of thunder. They continued until I left the country, some very severe. I cannot tell how many there were. --- The above account is confirmed by letters received from the country. A gentleman in attempting to pass from Cape [unreadable] to the pas of St. Francis, found the earth so much cracked and broke, that it was impossible to get along. The course must be about fifty miles back of the little Prairie. Others have experienced the same difficulty in getting along, and at times had to go miles out of their way to shun those chasms. We have no idea that the principal cause of the shocks originated on the Mississippi we have not heard the worst. ---- The little Prairie was a beautiful spot on the west side of the Mississippi river, about 30 miles from New Madrid, and nearly west of Nashville, 180 miles. It was settled.
Recommended Citation
"“Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 32.