“”Meteorological Observations at Charleston, (S. C. ) for February 1812”
Charleston Courier
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Weather report for February 1812 detailing the earthquakes at Charleston, very detailed and precise
Meteorological Observations at Charleston, (S. C.) FOR FEBRUARY, 1812. Thermometer, Highest 68 Lowest 37. Mean 59. Range 31. Barometer 30. 10 to 30. 77. Range 67. Hygrometer, 61 to 131. Prevailing Wind, S. W. 11, N. W. 7. Fall of Rain, 2 inches 8 tenths. Day of Rain, 6. ------Thunder 1. A slight shock of an earthquake was felt at five minutes after 5 o'clock on the evening of the 4th.-A severe shock was felt on the morning of the 7th. If commenced at seven minutes before four o'clock, and the undulation continued until the clock chimed the hour. The vibration was not regular, but appeared to be in strong and sudden jerks. The motion was E. and W. It was accompanied with a noise like distant thunder. During the preceding part of the night, the sea the bar roared unusually loud. The air was cold and the sky gloomy and overcast.-Another shock was felt the same evening, at 22 minutes before 9 o'clock. Its continuance was not longer than 30 seconds. Another was felt the same evening, at 8 minutes before 11 o'clock. It was accompanied with a noise like a violent wind, and several flashes of very sharp lightning. The sky was partially obscured by clouds, but the stars frequently appeared hazy. The vibration was E and W - in the afternoon of the 10th, at one minute past 4 o'clock, a slight concussion was felt for a few seconds-On the 11th, at 24 minutes after six, there was another shock, which continued 30 seconds. A tremulous motion of the earth was distinctly felt through the whole of the day. Light pendulous articles were almost in a constant state of vibration.-FOURTEEN distinct shocks have been felt in this city since the 16th of December last.
Recommended Citation
"“”Meteorological Observations at Charleston, (S. C. ) for February 1812”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 350.