“Arrived here on Monday morning last, Dr. Robertson...”
Charleston Courier
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Account from Natchez, Mississippi, of Dr. John Robertson arriving there in September 1812 on his way to Mexico. Possible author of St. Genevieve account.
NATCHEZ, SEPT. 23. Arrived here on Monday morning last, Dr. Robertson; from Washington City, on his way to the interior of Mexico, as an agent for the United States, to treat with the existing authorities of that country, and establish a friendly and permanent understanding between the two nations. The Doctor will probably pursue his route to-morrow or next day by land. It will be a question who the Doctor is to treat with, as the country is now involved in a revolutionary struggle, which may possible terminate in the entire destruction and overturn of the government of his Catholic majesty, whether he will negociate on the subject of his mission with the royalists or revolutionists; but we presume his powers from the government are discretionary, and he will in all probability treat on the above mentioned subject with the patriots or revolutionists. Dr. Robertson accompanied col. Pike into New-Spain some years ago, and is, we believe, every way well calculated to accomplish the object sought for. Should he succeed as it is hoped a most advantageous trade will immediately be opened between the citizens of this and the neighboring territories and states.
Recommended Citation
"“Arrived here on Monday morning last, Dr. Robertson...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 364.