“A letter , dated at Ponpon on the 24th inst...”
The Times
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 2
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
A brief report from Ponpon approximately 20 miles west of Charleston. “A letter, dated at Ponpon on the 24th inst. states, that the Earthquake of the 23d was felt very powerfully at that place. A ditch full of water which was frozen over, was so much agitated by the shock, as to break all the ice upon it.”
A letter, dated at Ponpon on the 24th inst. states, that the Earthquake of the 23d was felt very powerfully at that place. A ditch full of water, which was frozen over, was so much agitated by the shock, as to break all the ice upon it.
Recommended Citation
"“A letter , dated at Ponpon on the 24th inst...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 374.