“A Proclamation”
Henry Middleton
Charleston Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
A proclamation by the Governor of South Carolina asking for a day of prayer in relation to the earthquakes.
STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. BY HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY MIDDLETON, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the state aforesaid, A PROCLAMATION Where it is the duty of all men, and especially of those who are enlightened by the instructions of the Holy Scripture, to acknowledge the existence of the Great God who hath made Heaven and earth; to [unreadable text] the appearance of nature and wonderful [unreadable] of the physical world [unreadable text] to give of his presence and majesty his providenes and character and thence to be led to fear before him, and humble themselves in his sight, and seek after those [unreadable text] virtues, which, through the mediations of [unreadable text], may avert from them his displeasure, and obtain for them his constant protection and [unreadable]. And where as it hath pleased this Almighty Being, by that close of the last, and opening of the present year, the extent to the [unreadable] of this and of the neighboring [unreadable text] and uncommon [unreadable text] which looketh "upon the earth and it shaketh, which toucheth the mountains and they smoke," thereby exciting the minds of the people, awful rumors of reverence towards him, fearful apprehensions of his judgments, becoming impressions of their entire dependences upon him, and clear perceptions of the superior happiness of those who are objects of his love and care; this most graciously calling upon them even by the terrors of his might to think upon his name, and to walk before him in the paths of righteousness and peace. [unreadable] the Reverend Clergy of the several denominations of the islands in this City of Charleston, have expressed to me their belief that at this time, when the judgments of the Almighty are strikingly abroad in the world, and he seemeth literally to have risen to shake terribly the earth, the setting apart of a day to be kept as a day of devotion and Religious Reflection throughout the state, would be agreeable to the feelings of the good people [unreadable], and conducive to their religions and [unreadable] improvements, and also [unreadable text] of the most high God, and calculated to bring down upon the people his [unreadable text]-. [unreadable] impressed with these consideration and [unreadable] at promoting the [unreadable] and virtue and quiet confidence of the inhabitants of the state, I have thought be to recommend and do hereby recommend, that WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of March next; be observed throughout this state as a date of humiliation, Religious [unreadable] and Prayer and that the good people of this state, refraining from all unnecessary business and recreations, [unreadable] on that day assemble in their several places of public worship, to acknowledge and [unreadable] before God, their manifold [unreadable] and wickedness; to implore him to avert from them, and [unreadable text] parts pf their common country, every impending judgment; and to supplicate his [unreadable] and blessing; in cultivating that righteousness [unreadable] discarding the vices which [unreadable] to my people and I do also recommend [unreadable] the Ministers of Religion in this state [unreadable] on that day address to their respective congregations, such wise and holy discourse, as will be calculated to promote the most interesting end of all life operations of the Most High, the most improvement of his intelligent [unreadable], and especially to lead the people of their several societies to acquire and cherish that repentance towards God, and faith in the Gospel of his Son, which may qualify them under all circumstances to rely, with humble confidence, upon that Almighty Power, who holdeth the earth when it shaketh [unreadable] rideth upon the whirlwind; and directeth the storm. And I do further recommend that while the Clergy and People with holy reverence before the great and terrible God, and confess unto him their sins, they also render unto him most humble and [unreadable] thanks for the preservation of the natural, social, political and religious blessings with which amidst their dangers and fears, they have hitherto been favored; that with rational [unreadable] and sober zeal they pray for a continuance of the [unreadable] and that in the sublime [unreadable] of Christian benevolence, they extend their concern to the whole [unreadable] race beseeching the Almighty to look with compassion upon an agitated world to turn from other endangered countries the evils which earthquake, tempest, and the flame on devouring fire, may threaten them; and to give repentance and virtue; pure and undefiled religion, peace, happiness, and concord to all the nations of the earth. Given under my band and the Seal of the State, in Charleston, this 15th February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, [unreadable text] thirty sixth year of the independence of the United States of America. HENRY MIDDLETON. By the Governor, DANIEL JAMES RAVENEL, Secretary of State.
Recommended Citation
"“A Proclamation”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium Far-Field Database. 45.