“As all authentic information...”
Robert Morrison
Western Spy
Page and Column
Page 2 Column 4, Page 3 Column 1
Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
Serial Number
Detailed report from Kaskaskia, Illinois giving felt reports for the December 16, 1811, January 23, 1812 and February 7, 1812 earthquakes.
As all authentic information from near the western extremity of our civilized population, concerning the earthquakes, must be acceptable to the public (whose eyes are turned to that quarter for the cause,) we insert the following extract of a letter from Robert Morrison Esq. a respectable inhabitant of Kaskaskia, to a gentleman in this town. N.B. Kaskaskia in a little more than 100 miles above the mouth of the Ohio river, and 60 miles below St. Louis. 'We have been very much alarmed by a repetition of earthquakes since the morning of the 16th of Dec. The first happened about half past 2 o'clock-it was extremely severe and was succeeded by another just at sunrise the same evening, but somewhat less terrible. The subsequent ones have been more gentle, and occurred three times in about every [unreadable] hours, for more than 10 days. For about 20 days last past, we have not experienced more than 3 or 4 shocks and these but slightly felt. (this letter was written in January.) Various conjectures have arisen in the minds of our modern philosophers as to the causes that may have produced them. Some suppose they are occasioned by a volcanic eruption, others seem to think they were produced by the comet's near approach to the earth. There are however a few who are of a different opinion, and ascribe it to electricity [unreadable]. The latter opinion I have adopted.'
Recommended Citation
"“As all authentic information...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 46.