“The Earthquake”
Liberty Hall
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
Serial Number
Eyewitness report, New Madrid earthquake, December 16, 1811 earthquake. Eyewitness report from Chickasaw Bluffs of damage on river above, very detailed on damage from Obion river southward.
THE EARTHQUAKE. [COMMUNICATED.] An interesting letter from a gentleman of respectabilty, dated at Chickasaw Bluff's, December 21, states, that the first shock of the Earthquake occured at 30 minutes past 2 o'clock in the morning of the [unreadable], the same time that it seems to have been felt in [unreadable] Atlantic states, and in this country. That shock [unreadable] followed during the 16th and the following night nineteen others; on the 17th there were three, and [unreadable] following night several others; on the 18th there were seven shocks; on the 19th there were 5 shocks, [unreadable] several thro the succeeding night; on the 20th [unreadable] were fire, and on the 21st, when the letter was [unreadable], the earth was still trembling. The first and [unreadable] vibrations, and that between 11 & 12 o'clock [unreadable] 17th, were the most violent. [unreadable] effect of these shocks appear to have been of [unreadable] most alarming kind. The barge commanded by [unreadable] of the letter was anchored in 2 1-2 fathoms [unreadable], about 17 miles below New Madrid, or 87 miles [unreadable] the south of the Ohio. The vessel was acted [unreadable] the water, in a manner that excited a [unreadable] of her being grounded, but upon sounding, they [unreadable] find no bottom. The current increased to three [unreadable] the velocity it had the preceding evening; the [unreadable] of a boat at the shore testified that the river rose [unreadable] in a short time: and that no spot on the land [unreadable] to be found that was not (as they expressed it) [unreadable]." Two flat-bottomed boats that were laying [unreadable] shore were destroyed. One was broken [unreadable] to pieces, and the other overturned-the crew [unreadable] themselves. At the second shock, millions of trees that were [unreadable] in the mud in the bottom of the river, [unreadable] had one end elevated to the surface, rendering [unreadable] almost impassable. At the same time the [unreadable] were shook into the river in large masses. [unreadable] the Little Prairie the inhabitants were to have all fled to the high lands. It was stated [unreadable] near the Bayou river, that the ground cracked into innumerable fissures, and large [unreadable] of water were issuing out of them. An [unreadable] jet above the mouth of the Bayou river, was [unreadable] agitated, and seemed to required but little [unreadable] it. The lakes which lie in the valley of the [unreadable], were discharging large quantities of [unreadable] that river; and the water fowl of that region observed throughout the whole of the 16th to [unreadable] on the wing. [unreadable] writer of the letter had not heard from any [unreadble] farther down the river than the Chickasaw [unreadable] about 176 miles below the mouth of the Ohio, [unreadable] letter closes with an expression of the deepest [unreadable] the country nearer the gulph. [unreadable] are, however, credibly informed that a letter [unreadable] received from New-Orleans, dated, the 20th of December, which is entirely silent as to the earthquake.
Recommended Citation
"“The Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 485.