“I observe, in the New York Spectator....”
Liberty Hall
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
Serial Number
Felt report for the January 23, 1812 earthquake at Jamaica, Long Island New York and New Haven, Connecticut. Was noted by the New York Spectator and the Connecticut Herald(New Haven). Time noted was a little after 9 in the morning, duration was half a minute. It caused dizziness and prompted people to steady themselves by holding on to furniture.
I observe, in the New-York Spectator, an account of an earthquake at Jamaica, on Long Island, and in New-York, on Thursday morning, the 23d inst. a little after 9 o'clock. The same earthquake was felt by myself and family, about the same time. The sensation produced was, that of a dizziness of the head, or a gentle swinging of the head or body, which inclined one to support himself in his chair, by seizing hold of some fixed object. It continued about half a minute, or perhaps a little longer. It was not preceded by any sound, nor accompanied with any jar, or sudden concussion. New-Haven, Jan. 27, 1812. N.W. [A similar sensation was felt at the same time by one of the editors of this paper, while sitting in his chair in the act of reading.] Connecticut Herald.
Recommended Citation
"“I observe, in the New York Spectator....”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 495.