“yesterday about half past eight...”
Liberty Hall
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Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
Serial Number
Felt report for the January 23, 1812 earthquake at Augusta, Georgia. Notes that the shock was felt at 8:30 in the morning followed by another one. People fled from houses. Houses and trees were agitated but no damage was noted.
Augusta, (Georgia) Jan. 24. Yesterday about half past 8 o'clock, A. M. many of the inhabitants of Augusta were greatly alarmed by two sudden shocks of an earthquake, succeeding each other about the distances of two minutes. The houses and furniture with the tops of the trees, were considerably agitated by the concussion, and the poultry in the yards were running wildly in every direction as if to avoid its effects-the sky was serene both before and after the shock, and we are happy to understand there has been no injury in this place in consequence.
Recommended Citation
"“yesterday about half past eight...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 499.