“List of Letters”
Liberty Hall
Page and Column
Page 4, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
Serial Number
List of Mail undelivered that has a Bryant name. Isiah Bryant
LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Cincinnati, which will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters, if not taken out before the 1st day of July next. A-James Allen Philander Allen John Ayres Daniel Anderson Jacob Aaron James Adair. B-Abraham Barclay John or James Burns Isaiah Bryant John Bush John Bryson Daniel Bailey William Bell Hugh Brackin Jeremiah Ballard David Bacon Jacob Brown John Broadwell Thomas Baker Gid. & David Badcock Withs Bogart Thomas Backus William Belch Harvy Brown. C-Daniel Clark Deborah Cain Andrew Copeland Lewis H. Case Henry Case John Conner James Caldwell 2 William Connet John Chapman Gideon Commins 2 Polly Carroll Ross Crosley Josiah Crosley William Cox Robert Clark William Coe William Cauchey Barny Crossin David Conklin Abraham Chess D-Masse Dunn Susan Demoirs George Dobbins George Dowlar Samuel Dunn Elizabeth Donham Mary Denny, William Davis Elizabeth Daley 2 Jas or Moses Davidson Joseph Davis Clem Dowden Joseph Dugan K-Thomas Kain Jacob Keen 2 Peter Keen 2 James Knight Moses Kitchell jr. Nicholas Keating John Karr Comfort Kinyen. L-John Langdon 2 Charles Lloyd Aaron Lewis. M-Fancis Mallet Edward M'Givire 2 Benjamin M'Fealey William Meason Samuel Mockridge Thomas Matthews James M'Lain Samuel M'Millan George Markle Christian Miller Daniel Miller Burger Miller John Miller James M'Kee John Malson Oliver Medearis John M'Laland Bernard Mitchell Rachel Moore James Moore Abner Moore Doctor Jepthia Moore Andrew Morrison 2 Isaac Marsh Benjamin Merrell Ebenezer Mixer Francis Mennessier 2 N-William Morris John Nixon William Nash William Nicol. O-Nathan Oliver. P-David Parnell Thomas Pickrell Thomas Phillips 2 Enoch Parvin 2 Ichabod Palmerton John N. Pack Joseph Parks John Pollock. R-William Redie Archibald Robinson Robert Rutherford John Ross Ogden Ross Mathias Ross Malachi Richardson E-John Edmunds F-Michael Farner Abr'm Farel or Carol John Force Robert Forrester William Fletcher John Fetherlin John Flint 2 John H. Flint Thomas R. Ford Chillian Foster Lot French Nathaniel French Mrs. Fleming. G-Jacob Gard Andrew Gill Edward Griswold William Goff Danl. Goury or Gouvy James Goe Mary Garret William Garret 2 William Gordon Robert Guthrie Effa Grant William Garey Alexander Grant William Gain Thomas Gould 2 H-Samuel Harper William Henderson Thomas Hutchinson Thomas Hanna Nathan Horner Elisha & John Hodgson 2 Jacob Hay Enos Hurin Lewis Hopkins John Hunter 2 Abiather Hathaway Doctor James Hicks William Higgins John Haymond Frances Helsrote Michael Harness Ezra Hervey Daniel Haydon Arthur Henry Thomas Harshey James Hinds J-Andrew Johnson James Jones Rene Julian Isaac Julian John Jones 2 David Johnson Henry Inloes Jackson Rambo William Reeve 2 Mathias Rofety John Roswell Jesse Reeder Charlotte Risk. S-Ezekiel Smith 4 Col. Abraham Smith Mrs. Eliza Smith John Smith 2 Luke Scamihorn John Stonesiffer George Sislove Rev. Hezekiah Shaw Samuel Sweet Jacob Skilman Philip Shell John Shaw Thomas Stitt Walter Smith Charles Stewart Samuel Starlin 2 James Snow Abraham Stout John Swain Henry Sater John Scull 2. T-Ephraim Tucker Benjamin Tucker Teakle Taylor Jabez C. Tunis George Turner Abraham Tooly John Thompson 2. V-Garret Vorris Garret Van Arsalen John Van Vran Kin 2. W-Peter Wemor 2 Joshua Williams William Wilson 2 Angus Wilkinson John Walker 4 Andrew Woods Thomas Wilson Samuel Wilson James Wilson 3 Joseph White John Wilson John Wood 2 Ann Ward David R. Walton Ammi Wilson 2 Marsh Williams John Wolf 2 Jacob Williams Robert Westlake. Y.-Jane Young. WILLIAM RUFFIN, Post Master. Cincinnati, April 1,1812. Those who have not attended to the former notice, are requested to call and pay the postage of their newspapers. W.R.
Recommended Citation
"“List of Letters”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 508.