“Extract of a letter received in Cincinnati
Western Spy
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Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Very good felt report from Fort Wayne, Indiana, for all three New Madrid earthquakes. December 16, 1811, January 23, 1812, and February 7, 1812 earthquakes.
Extract of a letter, [unreadable] in Cincinnati, from Fort Wayne, dated February 7th, 1812 There was a very engaging Phenomenon attending the Sun on the morning of the 21st January-commonly called Sundogs. Tho' it may be a very small matter of speculation to Philophers, it certainly was very interesting to me. I will endeavour to give you a partial description of its appearance; but, as there were no instruments for observation, you will take it as the wild calculations of fancy, and not as a hypothesis. It was observed at the Sun's rising, that he was surrounded by a very large circle, apparently ten times as large as his disc, with guide lines dividing his surface into quarters; the line running N. and S. extending into the heavens beyond the circle to two of its diameters, and ending in points resembling faint clouds. At that part of the circle where the north and south line crossed, there appeared, a concentration of light of considerable magnitude, so that it reflected a very visible tract thro' the doors and windows. Indeed, so strong was the refraction from those foci, or points, that it became very painful, in a short time, to the eye of the observer. This sublime phenomenon attended the Sun in his course with little or no changes to either position or magnitude, until about 11 o'clock, when it was observed to be dispersing at the o'clock P. M. very sensible scene, and at 2 o'clock unobservable. The same letter takes twice of the several shocks of earthquake perceived at that place-in substance as follows:-- December 16, 2h 10 m A. M. 3 m duration, violent accompanied with a noise resembling distant thunder. Same day, 7h, 20 m. A. M. 1 m 30 seconds duration; less violent. The 17th, 12h 1 m. duration; the weather for several proceeding days intensely cold; but at (unreadable) afterwards moderate. Feb. 7. 3h, 35 m A. M. (unreadable) seconds duration, accompanied, like that of Dec. 16. with a distant rumbling noise. This was by far, the most violent and terrific to the people even the fowls left their nests, and some were found at a considerable distance buried in the snow-Next follows an account of The Earthquakes felt at Fort Dearborn, which is considerable N. W. from Fort Wayne; and which varies but little from the former. Such accounts place the points of disruption in the S. W. quarter.
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a letter received in Cincinnati" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 524.