“Gen Wayne's Military Guide”
The Supporter
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Page 3, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Chillicothe, Ohio
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Proposal to publish a guide to Gen Anthony Waynes campaign during the American Revolution. Possible source of Pre 1812 geographic knowledge.
PROPOSALS, For Publishing by Subscription, Gen. Wayne's Military Guide, With a statement of the campaign under Gen. Harmar, in 1790.--Also, the campaign under Gen. St. Clair, in 1971. BY WILLIAM FAULKNER, Late a Captain in the third Sub-Legion, This work, it is believed, will contain much matter in the highest degree deserving the attention of the citizen and the soldier. It will comprise the General Wayne's orders during his march from Philadelphia until the treaty at Greenville-the decisions of courts-martial on various occasions, with the General's remarks and adjudications thereupon. The orders of so distinguished a commander, particularly as they relate to encampments, marching, and the different evolutions to be performed in the various cases of probable attack from an enemy, cruel and segacious, will, no doubt, afford much gratification to the student of tacticks.-The manuscript was not originally intended for the press; but the author has, recently, through the persuasions of many of his acquaintances, been induced to offer it for publication. The paucity of military books, the general inexperience of officers and soldiers, and the hostile attitude assumed by our country, inspire him with pleasing prospects of success.-To the Guide will be annexed eight plates, elegantly executed, explaining in a lucid manner, the orders related to the marching, encamping, defending, &c. The statement of the campaigns conducted by Gens. Harmar and St. Clair, will be offered to the public in the form of a journal. Its greatest embellishments will be truth, conciseness, and plain narrative. The author hopes it will be found interesting. CONDITIONS. The GUIDE shall be printed on good paper, in an octavo volume of between four and five hundred pages. The price to subscribers will be two dollars, payable on delivery. Any person procuring six subscribers, and becoming responsible for the payment of twelve dollars, shall be entitled to one copy. The work shall be printed with all possible despatch, as soon as it is evinced that a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the SUPPORTER. To Capt. William Faulkner, late of the United States' Army. SIR-At your request we have looked over some of the minutes of your journal of the different campaigns against the Indians in the years 90, 91, 92, 93 and until February 94, which you propose publishing by subscription-believing it may be entertaining to the public (as we do not know of any regular publication of General Orders and transactions of those campaigns which your Journal embraces) shall give it our support by trying to obtain subscriptions for the said work. We are, sir, your obd't serv'ts. MOSES DAULTON, SAMUEL LUCAS, WM. BICKLEY, SAMUEL JANUARY, JOHN BROWN, ENNIS DUNCAN, NATHAN ELLIS, JOHN RADFOR, D. BROWN, AUGUSTUS PRELETS, SAML. BRADFORD, DAVID BRADFORD, JOSEPH DARLINGTON, EPHRAIM COLE, J. W. CAMPBELL, DANIEL COLLIER, JOSEPH LOCKHART, THO. KIRKER, WM. ARMSTRONG, BENJ. WOOD, WM. RUSSEL, JAMES ROGERS, JESUP N. COUCH, SAML. KRALTZER, R. DOUGLAS, DUNCAN M'ARTHUR, JAMES DENNY, WM. CREIGHTON, JUN, WM. STERRET, JAMES JOHNSTON, JER. M'LENE, WM. H. PUTHUFF, JOSEPH KERR, HENRY BRUSH, JOHN CARLISLE, JOHN T. BARR, SAML. FINLEY. October 17, 1812.
Recommended Citation
"“Gen Wayne's Military Guide”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 573.