“Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Kaskaskia's...”
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Newspaper Location
Chillicothe, Ohio
Serial Number
Letter from November 1812 describing earthquakes felt at Kaskaskia and being related to New Madrid. Notes that they are being still felt there at a frequency of “almost every day” there. One of the few reports from late 1812.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 29. Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Kaskaskius, to his friend in this town, dated Nov. 24, 1812. 'We last night had two shocks of Earthquakes, the last and heaviest just below day-break; it was about like those of the second magnitude at Cincinnati. They occur almost every day at New Madrid 150 miles below us. A few days since a man happened to be caught in a crack which opened in the earth, and it closing again instantly, nothing more was seen or heard of him-another was in company who affirms it to be true. 'Nothing is heard from the Indians of late, and we feel pretty secure. They will probably not move again till spring. Lieutenant (now captain) Thomas Ramsey of the United States Rifle regiment commands in the new fort above us.
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Kaskaskia's...”" (1813). New Madrid Compendium. 574.