“The Following is an extract...”
William L,. Pierce
The Georgia Journal
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Milledgeville, Georgia
Serial Number
Extracted letter from Pierce describing sand blows and his theory for causing them.
The following is an extract from a second letter of Mr. Pierce, dated New Orleans, January 18, 1812. "It is a singular, but well authenticated fact, that in several places on the Mississippi, where the shocks were most severe, the earth was rent (as it were) by two distinct processes. By one it was burst asunder and instantaneously closed, leaving no trace whatever of the shock; by the other it was rent, and an electric flash ran along the surface, tearing the earth to pieces in its progress-These last were generally attended with an explosion, and streams of matter, in a liquid state, gushed from the gaps which were left open when the shocks subsided and were in many instances of an immense depth. It is also reported, through the medium of some Indians, from the country adjacent to the Washita, who arrived a few days since at the Walnut Hills, some distance above Natchez, that the Burning Mountain up the Washita, River, had been rent to its base-This information I received from a Settler at the Hills, and his appearance was such as to attach credit to his information.
Recommended Citation
"“The Following is an extract...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 590.