“At Asheville, Buncombe County....”
Raleigh Register
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Raleigh, North Carolina
Serial Number
Possible fictional obituary for person killed by earthquake at Asheville, North Carolina. Related to the John C. Edwards article.
At Asheville, Buncombe county, on the 8th ult. Mr. Daniel Mathison, taylor, in the 48th year of his age a native of Invershin, Sutherlandshire, Scotland. His death was occasioned by his falling in the street at the time of the late Earthquake.-He being very corpulent, the fall produced an inflammation in his intestines that terminated his existence, after a sickness of 23 days, during which time he suffered most excruciating pains. He bore the first part of his illness with philosophic firmness; but when informed by the physician, that a mortification had taken place, his philosophy yielded to the triumphs of Religion-He sent for a class leader of the Methodists (a people he formerly hated even to persecution) requested him to pray, was converted, and for some time after, expressed his regret that he had not sooner known their ways of Grace. He died a firmly believing & truly penitent member of that church, leaving a wife, 13 children, and an aged mother, to lament his loss.
Recommended Citation
"“At Asheville, Buncombe County....”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 638.