“From St. Bartholomew...”
Raleigh Register
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Raleigh, North Carolina
Serial Number
Report of Caribbean seismic activity at St. Bartholomew. Notes formation of a volcano.
From St. Bartholomews. Baltimore, May 20 By capt. Daniel of the schr. Eagle, information is received from St. Lucia that on the 1st May a Volcano broke out in that island, which did great damage among the inhabitants. A small village 4 or 5 leagues from the place where the volcano broke out was destroyed, and also several plantations. A great many of the inhabitants perished by this dreadful event. Thirty four American vessels have been captured off St. Bartholomews, by the British armed brigs Lora and Maria, and sent to Tortola for adjudication. A French corvette fell in with one of the British gun brigs, between St. Barts and Antigua, on the night of the 1st of May, and after a long and severe action the latter made her escape, having sustained much damage and the loss of a great many men.
Recommended Citation
"“From St. Bartholomew...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 645.