“Extract of a letter from a gentleman in the Island of St. Vincent...”
Raleigh Minerva
Newspaper Location
Raleigh, North Carolina
Serial Number
Report of a volcano on St. Vincent in the Caribbean.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman in the Island of St. Vincent, to his correspondent in this city, communicated for publication in the Mercantile Advertiser. "Our volcano has lately made a most awful display of its horrid entrails and has laid a full third part of this fine Island under its ashes. All the land in its vicinity, both to the windward and leeward, are rendered unfit for cultivation, and two of the largest rivers dried up. They have been dug for and found boiling. The mountain exhibits a frightful propect. Nothing to be seen but lava; not a tree not shrub; and even most of those awful chasms, glens, and falls, formerly seen, are filled up; yet, strange to tell, very few lives have been lost."
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a letter from a gentleman in the Island of St. Vincent...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 681.