“Mr. Evans...”
Savannah Republican
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Savannah, Georgia
Serial Number
Report for the February 7, 1812 earthquake at Savannah, Georgia. Note earthquake effects such as thunder, flash of light and creaking and undulating of buildings. Good short report
MR. EVANS-As I supposed, in my communication of last January, a third shock of the earthquake was very sensibly felt here this morning, at about half past three. Its coarse and duration as follows: apparent coarse, from north-west to south-east; duration, near fifteen minutes; shock, extremely severe; as I lay, I distinctly heard the rafters of the house crack; the doors and windows in violent motion, and the house trembling and rocking to a very considerable degree. A person observed, that he saw the brick buildings undulate considerably. Towards day, a heavy peal of thunder was heard and a sharp flash of lightning observed. And if it be true, that, as Mr. Edwards in his letter to the editor of the Raleigh Star, observes, a volcano has occurred in the Allegany mountains, we are no longer at a loss for the cause. Volcanos, in this part of our continent, are a new phenomena; and the seasons themselves, appear of late to be inverted. We have had an uncommon year: and the moral as well as the political world, appear to be undergoing some extraordinary change! Let us unite in adoring HIM, "who causeth the earth to tremble, and the waves of the sea to be still." Z. NOTE.--Catanic, an ancient, rich and celebrated town of Sicily, near Mount Etna, was entirely destroyed by an earthquake, and about 18,000 people buried in the ruins, in the years 1669 and 1693. In the last, it suffered most. It has since been rebuilt and repeopted. The distance of this town, from the mountains west of us, forbids any apprehension of a similar fate; but it ought to have the salutary tendency of inducing our people to walk humbly in the fear of God, and to maintain, without violation, the empire of his laws.
Recommended Citation
"“Mr. Evans...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 690.