“A volcanic eruption...”
Savannah Republican
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Savannah, Georgia
Serial Number
Brief article reprinted from the Raleigh Minerva noting that a source for the earthquakes was a report of a volcano in Buncombe county, North Carolina. Based on John C. Edwards account,
A volcanic eruption, it was reported, some days ago, had occurred in some of the mountains between out frontier and that of North Carolina; but so credit was attached to it, that it was not attended to. The following extract of a letter, however, to the editor of the Raleigh Minerva, of February 7th, seems to be a corroboration of the report prevalent here, and we give it as we receive it, without vouching for its authenticity:-- "VOLCANO!-A letter from the westward, received in town, asserts that a Volcano has burst forth in the Buncomb mountains, either of this state or Tennessee, which throws up stones, ashes, and lava. The light is said to be discernable at a considerable distance. Should the account prove correct, we shall find no difficulty in ascertaining the cause of the late numerous Earthquakes."
Recommended Citation
"“A volcanic eruption...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 695.