“In consequence of some remarks....
Savannah Republican
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Page 3, Column 1
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Savannah, Georgia
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William L. Pierce remarks on the accuracy of his account.
In consequence of some remarks made by persons imprudently and weakly incredulous, relative to the Earthquake on the Mississippi. I am induced to observe that my name and veracity are pledged, and I certainly may flatter myself not altogether without effect. My sole reason for making the communication which I have made, was that I conceived it a principle of duty to give my fellow-citizens whatever information was in my power where that information could be serviceable or interesting. Those who know me, will I hope, do me the justice to say, I am above the trifling vanity of seeing my name in print, and had I been desirous of offering the public philosophical data, I should have delayed publication. Is it not sufficient that I have tendered incontrovertible evidence to society? Let those who please to examine for themselves, visit the Library Room of this city, where specimens of the matter thrown up in the recent convulsions may be seen. I shall not descend to defend my veracity or integrity, as I know it will not be aspersed but by men in whose capacities I do not rely any very great confidence, or by carping cavilers, who may wish to join my name with that of an infamous impostor who has dared to attack the fears and credulity of his fellow-men. I would thank any person who may hereafter wish to controvert or discredit what I have advanced in my letter to satisfy himself and the public, not by street-corner cavils, but by speculations in the prints, and I pledge myself, however, inadequate to the subject, to answer hinfully, and at least to the best of my ability. W. L. PEIRCE.
Recommended Citation
"“In consequence of some remarks...." (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 704.