“From the observatory...”
Savannah Republican
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Savannah, Georgia
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Felt report for a European earthquake. From Prague, Bohemia, December 17, 1812
From the observatory of December 17. On the 10th of this month the barometer suddenly fell below its mean height, I expected a heavy rain or tempest; but the weather was only dark and cloudy. The 12th, between eight and half after eight and three quarters in the evening, according to a letter received from a person in that quarter, a violent shock of an earthquake, which lasted about a minute, was experienced at Hauenstein, in the circle of Elbergen. The windows and doors cracked and all the moveables which were not solidly fixed, were thrown out of their places. The direction of the shock was from south to north. The earthquake experienced at Hauenstein was only the continuation of another and more considerable which must have taken place farther to the south, and which perhaps will be renewed on the night of the 16th, the barometer, having fallen six times in two hours. On the 16th? at 7 A. M. it was at twenty-seven inches, four lines and an half, and on the 17 th at 2 A. M. at twenty-six inches, ten and an half lines. The Astronomer DAVID. P. S. On the 13th at half past 8 P. M. an earthquake sufficiently strong, accompanied with a noise resembling that of thunder, and which lasted about one minute, was felt at Kaaden in the vicinity of Saatz.
Recommended Citation
"“From the observatory...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 705.