“For the Express”
Georgia Express
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Athens, Georgia
Serial Number
Article from Jefferson, Jackson County, Georgia on the effects of the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Very detailed account.
FOR THE EXPRESS. Gentlemen Editors, I will do myself the pleasure to communicate to you the occurrence of a physical phenomenon to me new, and to many truly alarming. I was aroused from my repose on the morning of the 16th inst. at half past 4 o'clock by a violent cracking of my house. When I awoke, I discovered the house to undulate like a vessel, on a gently rolling sea; this motion continued for several minutes and was terminated by a tripidation of considerable violence so as to move brick chimneys several inches from the houses to which they were attached: Some that were composed of wood and dirt, thrown quite down. My surprise was no less excited at three other distinct shocks succeeding the first; one at half past six. Two others in quick succession occurring a few minutes after seven o'clock, A.M-I am told that in some places very serious consequences have isued to some of the half distracted inhabitants by precipitating themselves from under their tottering roofs into the fields, or open air, impressed that was the best and only asylum from immediate destruction, by the wreck and crash of matter. This horror was much augmented by the impression that these convulsive throws were awfully portentous of an immediate and final dissolution. Some are of the opinion that they have felt several shocks since; but it is quite probable that those impressions might only be a fallacy of sense, caused by an agitated mind-but as to the first no possible doubt can exist. The atmosphere was for several days previous, much obscured by smoke and was at the time overshadowed by a dark cloud, with a perfect calm; not a doubtful breeze was observed to fan the gaping multitude--no noise as the voice of distant thunder nor the rushing of winds, but a perfect and deadly silence pervaded; while astonished nature quaked with fear. SPECTATOR. Jefferson, Jackson County, December 19, 1811.
Recommended Citation
"“For the Express”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 724.