“Our readers will probably recollect...”
Augusta Herald
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Augusta, Georgia
Serial Number
Article relating to volcanic eruptions in the Caribbean in 1811-1812
OUR readers will probably recollect the account published in our paper the 11th June last, of a shower of ashes experienced by Capt. Baker of the schooner Patty, when lying at anchor off Barbadoes, and which he stated extended over the whole of that Island, covering land and houses with ashes to the depth of two inches. This phenomenon might perhaps have owed its origin to the volcano in the Island of St. Vincents, an account of a recent eruption of which will be found in the last page of this day's paper. We have seen several statements of this event, but the one now published appears to us the best written of any that has fallen under our observation, and to be more in detail as to the eruption itself, though not so particular as some others as to the damage done by it. It will no doubt be read with interest, and it may probably be concluded, that the Earthquakes attending this occurrence were not exclusively produced by electricity. To this account we add the following article also on the same subject, from the same Island:-- Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in the Island of St. Vincents, to his Correspondent in this city, communicated for publication in the Mercantile Advertiser. "Our volcano has made a most awful display of its horrid entrails, and has laid a full third part of this fine island under its ashes. All the lands in its vicinity, both to windward and leeward, are rendered unfit for cultivation, and two of the largest rivers dried up. They have been dug for, and found boiling. The mountains exhibit a frightful prospect. Nothing to be seen but lava; not a tree nor shrub; and even most of those awful chasms, glens and falls, formerly seen, are filled up, yet, strange to tell, very few lives have been lost."
Recommended Citation
"“Our readers will probably recollect...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 760.