“Columbia (S. C.) Dec. 17.”
Hampshire Federalist
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Springfield, Massachusetts
Serial Number
Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake from Columbia, South Carolina. Time of the earthquake was 2:30 (local time) a. m. 3 slight shocks were felt shortly thereafter. At 8:00 am(local time) 2 more took place. More slight ones were felt at 10:00 am (local time) . The effects noted from the first shock were that houses shook “as if rocked by the sea” The South Carolina College suffered from plaster damage and appeared to rock on its foundation. Students left the building without there clothes on and the buildings appeared to be falling in. Animals were agitated with dogs barking, and chickens making noise.
COLUMBIA, (S. C.) DEC. 17. Earthquake.--The inhabitants of this town were much alarmed yesterday morning, by repeated shocks of Earthquakes. The first took place about half after 2 o'clock, which shook the houses as if rocked by the waves of the sea; it was followed after the cessation of a minute by 3 slighter ones; & at 8 o'clock 2 others took place, and at 10 o'clock some slight ones. The S. Carolina College appeared to rock from its foundation, and a part of the plaistering fell; which so alarmed the Students, that they left the College without their clothes. It appeared as if all the buildings would be leveled. The dogs barked, fowls made a racket, and numbers of the inhabitants were running about with lights, not knowing where to go, so great was their alarm. During the shock, the air felt as if it was impregnated with steam, which lasted for some time after the first shock.
Recommended Citation
"“Columbia (S. C.) Dec. 17.”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 768.