“Dreadful Earthquakes”
Hampshire Federalist
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Page 2, Column 2.
Newspaper Location
Springfield, Massachusetts
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Felt report for March 26, 1812 Caribbean earthquake. Detailed account.
BOSTON, APRIL. 25. Dreadful Earthquake. "The melancholly particulars which follow are from a gentleman of this town at Laguira, and may be relied on as authentic. Laguria March 30, 1812. I write to you from a place ninety hours ago flourishing in wealth and grandeur, but now reduced to a heap of ruins, by one of the greatest eruptions experienced for many years. The city of Carracas, and the town of Laguira were on the 26th inst. totally destroyed by an Earthquake, with Twelve Thousand inhabitants, besides many villages along the coast. It began at 4 o'clock and continued one minute and an half, without giving any previous notice. The inhabitants were principally preparing for the day following, which was to be the day of Independence-but now it is impossible to describe their situation. Those who have escaped, are either on board of vessels, or encamped on the mountains, naked and almost starving. They have fires, day and night, burning the dead to prevent sickness. The Priests tell them it is owing to their disloyalty to their Old Government, which will; before long set them in a state of revolution. Since our arrival (the 29th) we have experienced more or less shocks which have done no further damage than shaking down some of the remaining walls. The New government have laid an Embargo on all vessels with provisions and seem determined to take their cargoes, let the consequences be what they may. Mr. Lowry, the American Consul, informs me that they only want my provisions, which they must have, that no money must go out of the country, and that all the produce which had arrived has been destroyed and no means of getting any more for sometime. If they reject my proposals, I shall then demand my papers on conditions to proceed to Porto-Cabello, a place which received but little damage, and where all the remaining inhabitants are going.-Mr. LOWRY is going there to establish himself."
Recommended Citation
"“Dreadful Earthquakes”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 787.