“Nashville. (Ten.) Dec. 20”
Carolina Federal Republican
Page and Column
Page 4, Column 1
Newspaper Location
New Bern, North Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake from Nashville, Tennessee. Time of the earthquake was 2:10 am (local time). Another one was felt at 2:40 am(local time, succeeded by one at 7:00 am(local time). Several slight shocks were felt thereafter. The first and the third were of equal strength. Effect of the earthquake was to throw down “two or three” chimneys in the vicinity of the eyewitness. The earth rolled and tumbled “like the waves of the ocean.” Good brief account
Nashville (Ten.) Dec. 20. A severe shock of an earthquake was experienced at this place about 10 minutes after 2 o'clock on Monday morning, which was severely felt in every quarter from which we have been able to hear. It was succeded by a small one 25 or 30 minutes after; and about 7 o'clock we had another very nearly as violent as the first, which was succeeded by a lesser one in the same length of time after. Several slight shocks have been since felt. The agitation produced by the first shock threw down two or three chimnies in the neighborhood, and jarred the houses considerably. The effect it had upon the mind was truly awful and alarming-awakened from a gentle slumber, in the dead hour of night, and finding the earth rolling and tumbling like the waves of the ocean, had a tendency to appal even the stoutest heart. It was attended with a noise something like distant thunder; which appeared to issue from a southern direction. Many conjectures are formed relative to the cause of this extraordinary phenomenon. We forbear hazarding an opinion, and wait with anxious expectation for a developement of the mystery.
Recommended Citation
"“Nashville. (Ten.) Dec. 20”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 791.