“A correspondent in Mecklenburg county...”
Carolina Federal Republican
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
New Bern, North Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report from Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for the January 23, 1812 earthquake. also report from Charleston and mention that earthquakes were felt Jamaica.
A correspondent in Mecklenburg county informs us that an Earthquake was very sensibly felt in that part of the country, about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 23d ult. This convulsion, it appears, has been as extensive and; in many places, as violent as that in December. Another shock was felt in this city about four o'clock, on Friday morning last. In Charleston, at the same hour, the concussion was much more violent than any other which had been felt in that city. These convulsions have not been confined to the continent-a late Jamaica paper notices their occurrence in that Island, ib.
Recommended Citation
"“A correspondent in Mecklenburg county...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 795.